Friday, February 28, 2014

Turmeric Stain Removal

In order to make a justified recommendation on the removal of stains the following variables were tested in the experiment: temperature, concentration, agitation, the presence of enzymes in the detergent and the saturation time. Research was undertaken before the initiation of the experiment so a justified hypothesis could be made in relation to these variables. The results obtained from the experiment both supported and opposed parts of the hypothesis (as seen above). Aside from several anomalies within the data, with further research the results from the experiment can be explained using knowledge of detergents, rates of reaction and understanding the factors that affect these.
In the experiment it was necessary to use laundry detergents to remove a turmeric stain. Understanding the way detergents work to remove stains is important when considering the most effective and efficient solution. Detergents work to emulsify compounds that are not usually soluble in water (stains) by surrounding the stain molecules and making it easier for water to detach them from the fabric due to reduced surface tension.
The surface tension of water, the property that allows it to resist an external force, will limit the cleaning ability. Surface tension is the net inward force on the surface of water that causes the molecules on the surface to contract and resist being stretched or broken and is the result of these molecules being strongly attracted to the molecules below them (Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 2010). A diagram of this can be seen in Appendix 6. By lowering the surface tension of water so that it more readily soaks into pores and soiled areas the effectiveness and efficiency of the water in cleaning the cloth will increase.
The reason detergents increase the cleaning ability of water is a result of their ability to decrease the surface tension and therefore increase the effectiveness of the wash. The main characteristic of detergents is that their molecules (surfactant) consist of hydrophilic ends and hydrophobic ends (Clark, 2009).  The detergent (surfactant) molecule has a non-polar (hydrocarbon) and an ionic (polar) head (Appendix 2). The polar head is attracted to water because of the net dipole of a water molecule. In water, oxygen attracts electrons with greater strength than hydrogen resulting in a net dipole (Appendix 3 and 4). The attraction between the hydrophilic end of a surfactant in a detergent and the water molecule will considerably weaken the forces between the water molecules and decrease the surface tension. As well as the ability to decrease surface tension of water, the hydrophobic ends of surfactants attaches to fats and oils often seen in stains. So, the detergent molecules (surfactants) attach themselves to the dirt particles of the stained material and these particles are pulled out and suspended, surrounded by water, until they are rinsed away (Appendix 5).
This reaction between the stain, detergent and water is affected by numerous factors. Within this experiment results were obtained relating to the effect of temperature, agitation, enzymes, concentration and saturation time. These variables were chosen as the preliminary research suggested that they would affect the rate of reaction (excluding saturation time).
The highest rate of reaction would allow the greatest amount of stain to be removed from the material because the greater the rate of reaction the greater the amount of stain removed in a specific amount of time. When two or more chemicals react particles must collide with the correct orientation and enough force to yield a successful reaction (activation energy). Increasing the rate of reaction relies on the increase in the likelihood of successful collisions. Since a chemical reaction between detergent, water and stain particles will only occur with the collision of these particles in the correct orientation, increasing the number of these collisions will increase the reaction rate.

To determine the effect of temperature on the cleaning process the cloth was tested in a cold wash, warm wash and hot wash. In order to obtain fair and accurate results while testing the temperature, it was ensured that the variables water, detergent, concentration of detergent, agitation and time were controlled.
For this section of the experiment it was hypothesised that if the temperature was increased then the rate of reaction would also increase resulting in a cleaner product. The results obtained from the experiment clearly showed that this was the effect temperature had on the cleaning of the cloth. The results revealed that 100% of the hot wash tests obtained better results than the corresponding cold and warm washes. The warm wash also achieved a better result than the cold wash in every test. The hot wash achieved a better result than the warm wash by an average of about 5 points on the colour scale (colour scale located in Appendix 1). This is clearly shown in the graphs located in Appendix 9. Each line noticeably shows a relationship between an increase in temperature and an increase in the cleanliness of the cloth. In fact, the 4 best results (23) obtained in the entire experiment involved a hot wash (70 degrees Celsius) and 15 out of the 16 best results also involved a hot wash (see Appendix 8). The table in Appendix 10 shows that every cloth achieved a higher rating of cleanliness in the warm wash than the cold wash and that every cloth in a hot wash achieved a higher rating than in the warm wash independent of the other variables. From these results and the assumption that the test was fair, it is possible to conclude that the hypothesis is fully supported by the results.
The effect that temperature has on this experiment and the results obtained can be explained in relation to the effect that the increase in temperature has on the rate of reaction. When a substance is heated the particles move faster as the heat energy is transferred to kinetic energy. The increased temperature, and therefore increased kinetic energy, makes the molecules accelerate and move around more; so, there is more chance of a collision between molecules. In addition, the molecules will impart a greater amount of energy in collision due to the gain in kinetic energy and therefore increase the chance of achieving the activation energy needed in order to have a successful collision. On the contrary, if the reaction occurs at a lower temperature there is a lower chance of the molecules colliding due to decreased speed and energy of particles.
It is obvious that the results were obtained because of the change in temperature. However, it is also possible to see that there is a difference in the cold washes, warm washes and hot washes between tests. This indicates that other variables can also affect the rate of reaction and the cleaning process.

To determine the effect that the presence of enzymes in detergent has on the cleaning ability two different laundry powders were used. The first, Woolworths Home Brand, did not contain enzymes and the second, Fab Laundry Detergent, did. This was observed on the packaging on both of the detergents. It was ensured that between tests only one variable was changed (the detergent) to maintain accurate results.
It was hypothesised that if the laundry detergent contains enzymes then the rate of reaction will increase. This hypothesis was supported by about 72% of the tests with the laundry detergent containing enzymes obtaining an average of about 3 shades lighter than that of the cloth washed with the laundry detergent with no enzymes. The difference between the detergent with no enzymes and the detergent with enzymes is greatest when the cloth is washed in the cold washes and the 10 minute saturations. While most of the time the enzyme laundry detergent produced better results, a number of unexpected results can also be seen through the data. It was hypothesised that enzymes would produce better results than no enzymes regardless of the controlled variables. However in 3 tests, the detergent with no enzymes yielded worse results than the same test with a detergent containing enzymes by between 1 and 3 shades. These anomalies (seen in Appendix 7) occurred in the [Cold Wash, Concentration 2, No Agitation, 30 minutes] test, the [Warm Wash, Concentration 1, Agitation, 10 minutes] test and the [Hot Wash, Concentration 2, No Agitation, 10 minutes]. As these tests have nothing in common it is not possible to make a conclusion about the determining factor and may have been cause by an error. Another 7 tests produced the same shade of colour in the resulting cloth. In the [Cold Wash, Concentration 1, No Agitation, 30 minutes], [Warm Wash, Concentration 1, Agitation, 20 minutes], [Warm Wash, Concentration 1, Agitation, 30 minutes], [Warm Wash, Concentration 1, No Agitation, 30 minutes], [Warm Wash, Concentration 2, No Agitation, 30 minutes], [Hot Wash, Concentration 2, No Agitation, 20 minutes] and [Hot Wash, Concentration 2, No Agitation, 30 minutes] tests, the presence of enzyme had no influence on the final product (seen in Appendix 11).
Enzymes will normally increase the rate of reaction and improve the cleaning process because of the characteristic that allows them to lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction and decrease the reaction time. By lowering the activation energy each collision between particles and subsequent reaction requires less energy to be successful. The three dimensional shape of an enzyme brings reactant closer together into its active site, therefore allowing the chemical bonds to weaken and change with less energy.  An enzyme acts as a biological catalyst, increasing the rate of the reaction without changing the molecule and without raising the temperature. As the reaction requires less energy to occur the particles are more likely to have successful collisions. This explains why the enzyme detergent had more influence (raising the resultant shade by an average of 3 points) on cold and (raising the resultant shade by an average of 2.5 points) warm washes when compared to the influence it had on the hot washes (raising the resultant shade by an average of 1.5 points). The hot washes have adequate energy to overcome the activation energy without the use of enzymes because of the additional heat energy. Using enzymes in the cooler washes had more effect because the reduced energy was able to be used more efficiently in the reactions as a result of the enzymes.

To determine the effect that the concentration of detergent has on the cleaning ability two different concentrations of powders were tested. The first, 1.25g, was taken from the recommended usage for the Fab Laundry Detergent and scaled down to fit the amount of water being used (100mL). The second concentration used was double the first amount to create a significant difference and with the anticipation that the results would vary greatly. It was ensured that between tests only one variable was changed (the detergent) to maintain accurate results.
It was hypothesised that if the concentration of laundry detergent was increased then the rate of reaction would increase and the tablecloth would be cleaned more effectively. The results revealed that this was not the case 66% of the time. In fact in 24/36 tests, concentration 1 (the smaller amount of laundry detergent) proved to result in a cleaner cloth (see Appendix 12). 6/8 of the best results obtained (colour 22 and 23) used concentration one. While there were 4 tests conducted that supported the hypothesis, the majority went against it. Where the hypothesis was supported and concentration 2 obtained a better result the difference between was minimal, only 1 or 2 shades. An anomaly in this data, where concentration 2 achieved a better result by more than 3 shades if colour was the result from the [No Enzyme, Cold Wash, Agitation, 20 Minutes] test.  
Although the results from the experiment were unexpected they can be explained using relevant theory. It was expected that the increase in the concentration of laundry detergent would result in a crowding of the particles and therefore an increase the likelihood of particles colliding (see Appendix 7). However, in the experiments conducted it seemed as though the amount of water and stained cloth limited the amount of detergent that was used in the reaction. It was observed that when the 2nd concentration was used in tests the water was cloudy at the end of the saturation time. This may be due to an excess amount of detergent being used and the water acting as a limiting reagent in the reaction. This limiting reagent will stop the reaction when it is completely consumed and there is nothing the excess reactant can continue to react with. So, increasing the concentration will only increase the reaction rate while there is a ratio where each reactant can be used completely.

To determine the effect of agitation on the cleaning process the tests were conducted controlling the other variables and saturating the cloth in either an agitated beaker (with magnetic stirrer) or a beaker with no agitation. In order to obtain fair and accurate results while testing the effect of agitation, it was ensured that the variables water, detergent, concentration of detergent, temperature and time were controlled.
For this section of the experiment it was hypothesised that if agitation was present then the rate of reaction would increase and the cloth would become cleaner. The hypothesis was supported by about 55% of the results (20/36) where agitation provided a better result; however, agitation did not affect 16% results and the cloth without agitation achieved a better result 25% of the time (see Appendix 9). The results suggest that agitation had a greater influence on the cold and warm washes than the hot washes. This trend is seen when comparing the percentage of cold and warm wash tests with agitation that achieved better results than the tests without agitation with the percentage of hot wash tests with agitation that achieved better results than the tests without agitation. About 62% of cold and warm wash tests were improved by the use of agitation compared to only about 40% of hot wash tests improved by agitation (see Appendix 13).  While 5 out of 8 of the best results (22 and 23) were obtained with the use of agitation, the worst 3 results (4 and 5) were also obtained with the use of enzymes (see Appendix 8). These results strongly suggest that agitation only affects the result slightly compared to some of the other variables.
The effect agitation has on the rate of reaction and subsequent cleaning of the cloth is related to the increase in the likelihood of collision. Agitation keeps reactant particles in motion increasing the chance of collision in the correct orientation (AUS-e-TUTE, 2013). The stirring also increases the kinetic energy of the particles and therefore increases the chance of the activation energy being obtained in a reaction. However, where the other variables are together decreasing the rate of reaction the presence of agitation does not have as much of an influence over the result and will not be able to change the outcome.

To determine the effect of the saturation time on the cleaning process the tests were conducted over 10, 20 and 30 minutes. 3 pieces of material were in each beaker and 1 was removed after 10 minutes, another was removed after 20 minutes and the third was removed after 30 minutes so that the environment and variables were controlled.
It was hypothesised that if the time was increased then the resulting fabric would be cleaner. The results supported the hypothesis to some extent. Overall, the 20 and 30 minutes washes outperformed the 10 minute wash almost 100% of the time. However, when comparing the results from the 20 and 30 minute tests the improvement is not as obvious if there is an improvement at all. In fact, the 30 minute wash only obtained the best results in 12 out of 36 tests, obtaining the same result as the 20 minutes wash in 7 tests and the 20 minute wash obtaining the better result in 3 tests (see Appendix 14). 3 of the 4 tests that achieved the highest result (23) were saturated for a total of 30 minutes (see Appendix 8).  
The longer the material is left in the water the cleaner it should become. This should occur because the reaction has the greatest amount of time to take place and therefore particles should collide more in 30 minutes than with the same variables in 10 and 20 minutes. A factor that may have affected these results quite dramatically and could explain the discrepancy between the practical and theoretical components is the colour of the original material before being placed in the beaker. While every piece of material was stained by turmeric, each cloth had a varying degree. If a single piece of cloth was stained to a lesser degree than another it could take less time to remove the stain.

A number of errors were made during the experiment that may have affected the accuracy and validity of the results. As mentioned above, the original degree of stain in each individual piece of cloth was not considered or observed. The resulting colour of the material may have been improved relative to another piece of material because the original stain was not as bad. Another mistake that was made during the experiment was that the surface areas of each detergent were not considered. Prior research (available in log book) has made it known that surface area will affect rate of reaction and therefore the cleaning process. So while the detergents had similar surface areas the effect of the difference cannot be shown. As well as this it was assumed that the Home Brand laundry detergent had no enzymes. As it wasn’t listed on the product packaging it was assumed that like most home brand detergents it did not contain enzymes (according to prior research) but it is a possibility that there were some form of enzymes present. In the experiment for temperature it was found that maintaining the temperature on a hot plate was extremely difficult. Often the temperature of the water became too high because the hot plate would continue to heat the water past the required temperature. If not monitored very closely, the temperature could not be kept completely consistent throughout the entire saturation time.

Improvements could have been made to this investigation in order to be an accurate representation of a washing technique. The use of an actual washing machine and a full size table cloth would have improved the validity of the experiment and provided results relevant to the task. The experiment may also have been improved by increasing the accuracy of measurements, controlling the environment, controlling the surface area of each detergent and observing the initial staining of each individual piece of cloth. Using a wider variety of concentrations of detergent would have greatly improved this experiment as knowing the minimum amount of detergent that could be used to obtain the greatest result would enable a justified recommendation. As well as this, to improve the experiment, different brands of washing detergent should have been tested as other brands may have been more effective.


It is recommended that a tablecloth stained with Turmeric is washed in a detergent containing enzymes, at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, with a concentration of laundry detergent equal to 1.25g/0.1L, agitation and a saturation time of greater than 30 minutes. This wash will, without fail, deliver the best results and clean the tablecloth completely. However, it is understood as a restaurant business the economic impact of this wash would be too great for the return. Considering this, there are two viable options that would satisfy both the economic needs and cleaning standards of the restaurant. Assuming that a colour greater than ‘20’ on the colour scale was accepted as ‘clean’, the cost of cleaning the tablecloth can be reduced greatly. The first option would be to use a home brand detergent (one without enzymes) in a hot wash, with agitation (as in a normal washing machine) for a period of 30 minutes or longer. The home brand detergent is consistently cheaper than the premium enzyme detergent however the advantages of the enzyme detergent can be nullified through the use of other increasing factors. The other option is to use an enzyme detergent in a warm wash with agitation for a period of 30 minutes or longer. The use of an enzyme detergent decreases the temperature needed to obtain a clean tablecloth. The benefits in the reduction of electricity cost (using a warm wash instead of a hot wash) compared to the reduction in detergent cost will determine which of these two recommendations should be used at the restaurant.

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